Physiotherapy for Lungs Mucus
In Rajahmundry Ph 999 222 6929
The word “MUCUS” might make you cringe, but it’s an incredibly important part of a well functioning body. Mucus membranes line your mouth, nose, throat, sinuses and lungs, producing mucus to protect and support your organs. They trap bacteria and other particles you breathe in, ones that could get you sick. When the lungs are functioning normally, little hairs(known as cilia) move the mucus higher up in the airways. Simple acts like coughing and clearing your throat get it out of the lungs.
Individuals with chronic conditions like CF have problems moving the mucus up through the airways, leading to build-up. The mucus gets stuck in the lungs, along with all the bacteria it has trapped. Without external efforts to remove the mucus, there is an increased risk of chest infection and inflammation.
Chest physiotherapy helps clear out the mucus and, along with it, any harmful bacteria that’s been collected. Chest physiotherapy (or CPT) is a type of physiotherapy that helps clear airways secretions like mucus, improving the flow of air into the lungs. It is often called airways clearance therapy (or ACT). For someone with a chronic health condition, coughing or huffing is not enough to clear the build-up of mucus from the lungs, so this type of therapy assists with that natural process.